Job Hunt: Start Where You Are

As an international talent, no matter where you are in your job hunt, that is where you start. Wherever you are: that’s it. This is the place. It’s now. It’s here.

Han Solo has a quote in Star Wars or maybe it’s the Empire strikes back: “no matter where you go, there you are”. I forget where he said that. But it’s an amazing insight.

A lot of us look at the job search and say: “quite difficult.” We are tempted to wait until conditions are different / better to begin the hunt.

If we want to think of a job search as difficult, then it will be difficult.

If we want to think about it as a growth opportunity, then it will be a growth opportunity.

We might imagine the type of life we have on the job. In that life, we talk to colleagues, we talk to our hiring manager/boss. It’s the future that we want.

And we know the offer opens the door to that day-to-day work life.

The job search is actually probably the best job training out there to...

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Best Job Search Advice: Do this ONE THING to get to offers fast


The Forgotten Job Hunt Superpower 

Hey everybody, Stuart Bradley here, and if you are not doing this one thing in your job search, you are going to find it frustrating. So let's jump into that one thing and implement it... implement it into your job search, especially if you are a international student.

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My international student days

And why do I say international student? Actually this advice applies to any American executive and recent graduate. But, having been an international student, supporting this group is one of my areas of passion and it's a cohort that has limited time. We can all study the best practices of the international student job hunt.

This is the one thing that you need to do to be successful in the job search is something I call consistency. Consistency in the job search. I'm not talking about doing something every five or 10 minutes or necessarily every hour, but once a day, once every two days with consistency.

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Consistency in Applying and Networking

Now there are two things that...

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